Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mmmmm Beluga Heart

I am very pleased to share with everyone this blog by a friend of mine.  She is a recent Teachers' College graduate and has taken a position in a small native community in Northern Quebec.  Andrea is a beautiful person who, when I first met her, was a timid waitress at a local pub who had trouble getting past the crowds to get to the bar to pick up her drinks.  She has a great sense of humour and is one of the most open minded people I know.  I think she will do great in her new job and I wish her the very best.  I hope you will all visit her blog regularly and maybe on occasion provide some encouraging words - it sounds challenging to say the least.  In addition, Andrea's blog is a great eye opener for those of us who have never been exposed to the culture of the north and may be unaware of the lifestyle and challenges they face.   Seeing this world through Andrea's eyes will be entertaining and rewarding I can assure you.

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